Doors: 3PM | Tickets: $10 | Ages: All
:: Featured Films & Artists ::
“Firebird”- The Rise of Bolivia’s Indigenous Fighting Cholitas directed by Anthony Molina
"Go Run" directed by Layne Marie Williams
"LeZombies" directed by Jessica Carey
"Bath Salt" directed by Nadyja von Ebers
"Maiden" directed by Emily Esperanza
"Paper Crane" directed by Christine Sciortino
"A Meal With Dad" directed by Brittany Alsot
"Me, Documented" directed by Caity Lougheed
"Bucket List" directed by Jessica King
"Atoms of Ashes" directed by Maggie Scrantom
"Daisy’s Oracle" directed by Kiea D. Houseton
"Library Hours" directed by Jim Vendiola
"Tea & Coffee" directed by Maaya Modha & Adam Patel
"In My Final Breath" directed by Rachel Berg & Stuart Hotwagner
"Beat" directed by Sarah Knauf
"Plow" directed by Ti Nicole Danridge
"Crystal Lake" directed by Jennifer Reeder
Includes two drink tickets must be 21 to receive w/ govt issued ID